Secop GmbH – 28.10.2019 Change of Legal Name from Nidec Global Appliance Germany GmbH to Secop GmbH

Change of Legal Name from Nidec Global Appliance Germany GmbH to Secop GmbH

We are pleased to inform you that the change of our legal name to Secop GmbH is now official. Secop GmbH will replace Nidec Global Appliance Germany GmbH on all business documents.
Please advise your logistics, finance and any other relevant departments within your organisation of our company name change and ask them to update their records accordingly. Our bank details and VAT number will remain the same.

Secop GmbH
Mads-Clausen-Straße 7
24939 Flensburg

The legal name change of our factories in Austria and Slovakia (China has already been renamed) are still in progress. We will notify you as soon as these changes become official.
Thank you for being one of our valued customers. We appreciate your co-operation in this matter and look forward to continuing our good working relationship.
If you require any additional information regarding these changes please do not hesitate to contact us.

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