Mobile Compressor Cascade Solution – 26.10.2022 Ultra-Low Temperature Active Medical Cooling Technology

Secop has developed the technology for an ultra-low temperature mobile cooling system. This system is optimized for the last mile of distribution for the new generations of vaccines and offers mobile operation even in high ambient conditions such as in tropical regions.

This dedicated condensing unit features a compressor cascade solution with a MP2UVULTM (low stage) and a BD100CN (high stage) compressor and takes advantage of Secop’s experience in medical applications, vaccine solar freezers, and mobile solutions and combines all of these applications.

Battery-driven active cooling systems for mRNA-based vaccines provide many advantages compared to existing passive cooling (dry ice) transport boxes.
Active systems offer temperature control, do not need huge quantities of dry ice, are re-usable, do not waste tons of CO2, and prevent vaccine wastage.
They are suitable for any distribution point, including in remote areas where the availability of CO2 cannot be guaranteed or ambient conditions are too severe.

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