Secop Compressors FAQ – General

Find our answers to the most frequently asked questions on general topics.

What type and what amount of oil are Secop compressors charged with?

The amount of oil we charge our compressors with can be found in the data sheet of the individual compressor. The data sheets can be found and downloaded via the Product Selector on our website.

More information can be found in our catalogs which contain an introductory section with some information on use, oil type, starting equipment, and application limits for the Secop compressors.

Compressor oils used by Secop include:

For R134a compressors:

  • PL and TL: 15 cSt POE oil
  • NL and FR: 19 cSt POE oil
  • SC: 22 cSt POE oil
Are Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) available for the compressor oils used by Secop?

Secop has MSDS sheets for the original oil that will be handed out to customers on request. Please contact your local Secop company.

What parameters determine the lifetime of a compressor and what can typically be expected?

Important factors determining the lifetime of hermetic compressors are:

  • System dimensioning and system lifetime
  • System temperature, esp. valve and winding temperature
  • System pressure
  • Purity of system components
  • Quality of refrigerant and oil
  • Lifetime of other system components
  • Quality of main power supply (cutouts, voltage drops, etc.)
  • Application duty cycle

In a typical application where the compressor is used within the specified limits given in the actual product literature, a lifetime of 10–15 years can be expected as a rule of thumb.

The lifetime of a compressor used in a household application may be longer than the lifetime in light commercial application.

Do you have a mathematical equation and coefficients for the calculation of the compressor data?

Yes, we publish our compressor performance data according to the ARI standard 540-91 and EN 12900.

We will gladly provide data for specific compressors if requested. Please contact us via our contact form

What determines the noise level of a cooling system?

The most relevant factors are:

  • Combination of components in the cooling system (layout and installation)
  • Pulsations and turbulences in the refrigerant gas related to the specific system
  • Actual level of system insulation
  • Function of machine compartment
  • Actual system vibration prevention
  • Suction and/or pressure mufflers 
What is the noise level of a Secop compressor?

The Secop compressors are extremely low noised compared to the average products from the competition.

How does horsepower compare to capacity in W or Btu/h?

Horsepower or hp is a historic designation for the engine performance. There is no official standard relation to refrigerating capacity. All manufacturers have developed their own formula. Therefore, the data stated in hp by different manufacturers cannot be compared.

Furthermore, a capacity given in hp is dependent on the application range of the compressor, i.e. 1 hp of an air-conditioning compressor is different from 1 hp of a LBP compressor.

If the capacity in W or BTU/h at given conditions is known, this should be preferred for comparison.

Why is the compressor housing hot?

Secop compressors are not cooled by suction gas but with the oil circulating inside the compressor housing. The housing then transports the heat to the surroundings.

What is the meaning of the serial number on the compressor?

Serial numbers were introduced in July 2004. The serial number is individual to each single compressor. There is no relation between serial number and production date, shipment day, or the like. The serial number has been introduced to help our customers use the individual compressor serial number in the documentation for their appliances. The production date can still be found in the stamped code on the compressor housing. 

How can I read the date stamp on the compressor?

What information does the date stamp on the compressor housing provide?

Secop compressors have a manufacturing date code stamp or a needle print on the housing. The content of the coding is set in two lines.

For more information, see Product Bulletin: Date Code Format, Country of Origin, and Labels

How can the type code on a Secop compressor be interpreted?

Please refer to our Product Bulletin: Key to Compressor Type Designation

Product Bulletins

Our Product Bulletins offer technical background information, notifications on changes, information on product enhancements and product modifications.

View all Product Bulletins

  • Key to Compressor Type Designation

    Key to Compressor Type Designation

    | Product Bulletin | Compressor Basics

    Download (1.91 MB)
  • Date Code Format, Country of Origin, and Labels

    Date Code Format, Country of Origin, and Labels

    | Product Bulletin | Compressor Basics

    Download (630.24 KB)
  • Mounting Accessories, Types of Packaging

    Mounting Accessories, Types of Packaging

    | Product Bulletin | Compressor Basics

    Download (107.93 KB)
  • Shipment of Refrigeration Appliances in Horizontal Position

    Shipment of Refrigeration Appliances in Horizontal Position

    | Product Bulletin | Compressor Basics

    Download (1.21 MB)

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